TO BOOK A CLASS PH 4092 2605
• Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
• Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip Pain
• Sports Injury Rehab
• Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery Rehab
• Gait & Posture Analysis
• Dry Needling
• WorkCover, DVA, EPC
• Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)
• Pilates Reformer Classes
• Registered NDIS Physiotherapist
Dean Mineall, Principal Physiotherapist
Our musculoskeletal physiotherapist’s job is to find out what is causing your lower back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain and other muscle and joint pain and provide a treatment plan to get you on the road to recovery quickly. Whether you’re suffering from a long term injury, hurt yourself playing sport or at work, or you’ve just had hip, knee or shoulder surgery, physiotherapy will help you recover quickly. Call today 4092 2605 to get our first available appointment (usually within next 24 hours).
We offer a professional and inclusive service. We will listen to your story, assess your individual requirements and recommend and implement a treatment plan to help you move well, stay well. Our physiotherapy philosophy looks beyond the symptoms of injury and pain to identify and treat the underlying causes.
- New patients welcome.
- Appointments available – usually within 24 hours.
- No referral needed.
You can Book Online or call to find out if we have an appointment available for you today 4092 2605
Book your PHYSIOTHERAPY appointment here
To make an appointment for physiotherapy, click on this link and book directly through Online Booking or phone us on 4092 2605
Waiting therapy doesn’t work … your pain may subside in a day or two but if the initial cause of your issue hasn’t been diagnosed and treated, the pain and discomfort can easily return. Our musculoskeletal physiotherapist can help, so what are you waiting for?
What is Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Using advanced clinical analysis and assessment methods to ascertain the cause of lower back pain, shoulder or hip pain and other complex muscle and joint pain issues, musculoskeletal physiotherapy treatment will:
- help reduce joint and muscle pain with proper body and postural alignment
- aid recovery and help you return to your normal activities
- improve flexibility, strength, movement and co-ordination
- prescribe exercise programs to aid recovery and build strength, improve gait patterning and help prevent future injury recurrences
- improve balance correction and muscle tone through massage and manipulation
Musculoskeletal physio focuses on the treatment and management of conditions affecting the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. It aims to restore function, mobility, strength, and reduce pain in individuals who have suffered injuries, undergone surgery, or had musculoskeletal disorders.
Our physiotherapists are fully trained in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Our goals are to help you move well, stay well.
Book your appointment today. Call 4092 2605 for our earliest appointment.