Do you have the “moves”?

Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy is all about movement and how your muscles and joints work together.

Our musculoskeletal physiotherapists have a hands-on approach to treatment and how your joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons are working together. Discomfort, pain and even postural disorders are all impacted by how we move.

What can give you back pain or hip pain can be contributed to how you stand, how you walk, how you sit, how you get in and out of a car. What muscles are you engaging when you step forward to pick something up?

Correct “form”, good posture, strong and long muscles can all contribute to a good musculoskeletal function.

Don’t let physical discomfort slow you down. You don’t need to – and you shouldn’t – just put up with pain or discomfort and hope it goes away! Give our physiotherapists a call and book an appointment today.

Find out more here.